
By assgoblins piss me off - 06/05/2014 20:52 - Canada - Camrose

Today, I turned in my best painting yet for a scholarship competition. For once in my life, I was actually proud of a piece I'd done. I ended up losing the scholarship to some dickface who'd basically just glued together some crap from the dollar store and called it conceptual art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 206
You deserved it 5 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eaglerob 20

Maybe next time finger paint a few stick figures and glue on some macaroni? ;)


I don't understand why these days, putting a blob of paint in the middle of a white canvas is considered art and sells for thousands of dollars. Stupid really.

Be proud of your work! It is more important to find your personal style than just to imitate what other people like.

Mariamcc 6

You can call pretty much anything conceptual art these days :/

well we only have your word of what the winner's art was, and also we have zero details on what YOUR art was except that it was you "best painting yet". Perhaps you should learn how to accept a defeat OP otherwise life is going to be very difficult for you.

lol that happened on one of the Disney shows I watched with my kids