Use protection

By Anonymous - 17/08/2022 12:00

Today, after I got pregnant off a dude who turned out to be married, and he'd told me he’d support me and the baby on the side, I had a miscarriage. Now he's pretending he doesn't even know me, and I can’t even tell his wife because without the baby, I can’t even prove we had sex that one time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 500
You deserved it 1 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slhiggx 17

Why do you need to tell the wife? Bc he had an affair? That didn’t seem a problem when he agreed to support you and the child? You’re just out here trying to ruin more lives.

Jon Tessler 14

tell the wife, you should have hospital records showing that you had a miscarriage. also sorry for your loss of the baby.


Jon Tessler 14

tell the wife, you should have hospital records showing that you had a miscarriage. also sorry for your loss of the baby.

slhiggx 17

Why do you need to tell the wife? Bc he had an affair? That didn’t seem a problem when he agreed to support you and the child? You’re just out here trying to ruin more lives.

Because that guy’s behavior could be putting her at risk for venereal disease (several strains of which are developing antibiotic-resistance, and several others are viral and not affected by antibiotics), in addition to just being a super scummy thing to do to your wife?

she didn't seem too concerned with the wife's feelings while she was banging the husband.

You weren't worried about telling the wife when you were expecting financial support. You have ill intentions on wanting to tell her now. Don't ruin her life just to spite him. Ruining their marriage will NOT bring him back to you. Why would you even want him back? He did you dirty. And he would just cheat on you too

You should pretend you don't know him and move on.

it was one time and you had a miscarriage in time you will be thankful how the cards laid. you should go your separate ways don't ruin his life over it

As a wife, i would want to know that my husbands actions are putting my health at risk.

Sounds like things literally could not have gone better...