By Anonymous - 05/02/2016 19:15 - United States - Easley

Today, as I walked around town I noticed some guys and even a couple of girls checked me out. When I got home later I realized they probably weren't checking me out, so much as wondering why the hell I had thick black eyeliner on only one eye. Oops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 709
You deserved it 5 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't even know how this happens! I mean I've done the whole "shaved one leg and then absentmindedly got out of the shower" But this is much different! For future reference, I'd try to check the mirror at least once before leaving the house OP :)

I've forgot mascara on one eye before. got interrupted before getting to apply it.


we've all been there sweet heart. that's when you just say ",screw it I rock this look" and start a new trend

I've never been there. look in the mirror before you leave the house next time.

corky1992 33

I've never done this either. I don't understand how someone could forget and only do 1 eye without realizing it. Mirrors people

iv never left the house with only one eye done but I have left with other predicaments and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it so why not own it and be fabulous

Could easily happen especially if you have kids that constantly interrupt you. Never happened to you? Good for you. What do you want, a cookie? Everyone has absent minded episodes.

Lol, definitely better than having bird poo on your head of massive period stains. I bet you it looked like a new trend anyway :)

I don't even know how this happens! I mean I've done the whole "shaved one leg and then absentmindedly got out of the shower" But this is much different! For future reference, I'd try to check the mirror at least once before leaving the house OP :)

I don't understand why op didn't try and find a bathroom or mirror or something while she was out to see that everything was ok. Maybe it's just me, but if I notice everyone staring at me (especially with a weird look on their face or laughing while they looked; cause there's a difference between a "wow you're hot" look and a "why did she do that/that's weird" look) then I would immediately assume that something was off and I had something weird on me. I would get to a mirror just to double check that everything was in place.

**** it, and **** em'. I am sure you're good looking enough to have them checking you out anyway. :)

I've forgot mascara on one eye before. got interrupted before getting to apply it.

I have shoes that are the same style but one pair is brown and the other is tan. I once wore one tan one and one brown one to school. It happens! Also, I'm sure you didn't look half bad. :) No pun intended!

Haha I'm sure I've done this too! Or I've rubbed my eyes and smudged up one eye while the other eye has the perfect wing.

Talis99 26

All that's missing are the off-white coveralls and bowler!

well, beat me to it, although Clockwork orange was more a mix of one sided liner and exaggerated fake eyelashes.

dman798 18

It was too much for someone to tell you apparently

Actually that sounds like it'd look pretty cool. Still, sorry for your embarrassment. If you do it on purpose another time, it'll help because then you can pretend other people that you did it on purpose last time, too.