Great expectations

By trustworthy friend - 22/12/2022 12:00

Today, the guy I’ve been hanging out with and crushing on told me we now know each other well enough to be completely open with each other. I was excited, thinking our mild flirtations would finally go further. He just wanted me to know he’s gay, and asked me if I knew any single guys for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 932
You deserved it 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Respect your friend. His sexuality is his business. For everyone’s sake don’t hold on to any illusions of being able to convert him just because you have the hots for him… Just be a friend. If you can’t do that then back off.

tiptoppc 19

Is that “???” Sexual Assault?


1. Tell him you do know a gay single guy. 2. Set them up to meet in a dark, secluded location 3. Show up with a chest binder and a strap-on. 4. ???? 5. Profit

tiptoppc 19

Is that “???” Sexual Assault?

Respect your friend. His sexuality is his business. For everyone’s sake don’t hold on to any illusions of being able to convert him just because you have the hots for him… Just be a friend. If you can’t do that then back off.