
By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 05:43 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. Right as I was really getting into it, he pauses, frowns, and says, "I think I see the pee hole." FML
I agree, your life sucks 97 733
You deserved it 7 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wonder what he expected to see instead...?

woah anatomy... did he skip out on 4th grade health?


Koalafrau: ...Seriously? Obviously women's urine and babies can't come from the same place (eww, it's bad enough the baby is covered in that nasty whatever at birth, who wants it covered in mummy's urine, too?) - you'd think it'd just be common sense. D: Women's anatomy is a little different from men's! OP, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but laugh. Hopefully he isn't grossed out - anytime someone goes down on a man's junk, they're going down on their "pee hole" (...lol) too. Sorry your mood got ruined. :P

Karnezar 2

I'm 14 year old virgin, and I don't know much about the ****** either >.> All I know is that theres 2 holes, one for pee, one for blood. Which one does the penis go into? I dunno..

ambisaurus 0

wow, i thought i was the only one to call it pee hole :)

This is equivalent to a woman saying (with a frown) "There's balls in this sack!" The point is try PAYING ATTENTION!!! It means something to the other person.

Koalafrau_fml 0

#106 : The hole for blood is the hole for the babies and you penis. The "pee hole" is hard to see (I've never seen mine though looking for it) and much to narrow for any penis!!!!

hey, when i heard there was 2 holes in there it like blew my mind guys don't take the time to think about stuff like that lol but after u find out its kinda obvious, its just u dont go around thinking "gee i wonder if women piss and have babies through the same hole!"


I've heard girls ages 14-17 not know there was two holes, I sure as hell don't expect a guy to know

makjon86 0

Ladies, do you seriously sit around studying guy's plumbing? I didn't think so. He's a funny kid though.

Bahahaha. Funny. That's exactly the kind of thing I would say, except that I'm a straight girl. But boy did my boyfriend and I do a lot of learning in the last few months.