By babysitter - 17/04/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I went to babysit. I was told the parents would be gone when I arrived. I went and started playing with the kids. All of a sudden I heard a scream. I opened the parents' door with a knife in hand to find them having sex. I got paid so adults could get laid. While I was there. 6 ft. away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 563
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you were prepared to defend their kids with a knife? That's awesome. I'd hire you.


LittleMissOopsy 0

omg! thats wut i did! btw paid n laid rhyme!

peternorth 0

u should have walked in and made it a 3-sum.

Being a parent of two, sadly, sometimes you have to do that. it's good after a couple kids they still have it going on, better than it being a horrible relationship that effs up the kiddos!!

alliewillie 22

112 - I don't care how many kids you have, that's stupid. You want to go to a hotel? Fine. Vacation? Fine. Someone else's house? Fine. You don't lie to the babysitter (especially when she could walk in anytime on accident) and tell her you'll be gone, then screw 6 ft. away while she plays with your kids. That's awkward and unsettling to say the least, and unfair up her. I would have left op and not come back.

Cantabguy 0

You were paid to look after kids, what does it matter what they were doing in that time?

Whoa, that was pretty dangerous for the parents. If I found two unexpected strangers roaming through a house full of kids I am supposed to protect, I would disable the first one immediately before facing up the other one. One shouldn't surprise people who are left in charge with such a task.

Macromartyr 3

Yeah, and the fact you had a knife, could have gone bad really fast

Eresbel 0

That sucks, but it is their house. It's hard to get time for yourself when you have kids and sometimes you don't want to watch them but you don't want to go out. I've babysat plenty of times while the parent was still at home, chilling. Never caught them having sex, but whatever.

Uhm... so? (we really really need a "so what" button to rate the FMLs...)

bballwarrior 0

yes! we really do need one :)

Wow, you were prepared to defend their kids with a knife? That's awesome. I'd hire you.