Now watching

By Anonymous - 14/01/2011 23:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home, turned on my laptop, and turned the TV on mute so I could check my email. My mom came home an hour later, took a look at me on the couch, then the TV, and asked what on earth I was watching. I looked up from my laptop and realized it was porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 775
You deserved it 32 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't lie we know you were watching ****

u get free **** on the big screen? lucky bastard


YDI for wasting electricity. If you were so engrossed in the computer that you had no idea there was **** on in the background, there was no need for the TV to be on in the first place. I mean, seriously, you didn't even glance up ONCE in an hour?

gusgus36 5

I don't think **** just "happens" to come on a normal channel.. at least not that I've ever heard of... it's all like specific channels and you have to pay.. also it's a little weird you never glanced up at the tv once? whatever the case... hopefully your mom believes you it wasn't on purpose

gusgus36 5

actually never mind the last part. there's no way it wasn't on purpose so she isn't going to think it wasn't

perdix 29

Good call on muting the ****! The dialog is just terrible. There are ño women in the real world who say "**** my *******!" As much as I like watching titty-*******, the fake enthusiasm the actresses have for it almost makes me lose my boner -- muting is imperative.

lmao that sucks. bet you were watching it though

Here's what happened: OP came home and decided to watch **** since nobody else was there. He then muted it so he could hear his mom pull up. He decided to check his email, then getting caught up on what he was doing on the laptop, forgot about the ****. At that point he wasn't listening for her to pull up anymore, and she caught him red~handed!!

Why would you start your TV and then put it on mute to read email? Keep to one piece of thecnology at a time.

TheReverendFan 0

Why did your TV have to be on mute for you to check your email?

@boners, I don't believe it'd be possible for his parents to make more than 1 snuff movie. Unless his parents are vampires or some form of the undead, in which case **** wouldn't be the fml.