Now watching

By Anonymous - 14/01/2011 23:07 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home, turned on my laptop, and turned the TV on mute so I could check my email. My mom came home an hour later, took a look at me on the couch, then the TV, and asked what on earth I was watching. I looked up from my laptop and realized it was porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 775
You deserved it 32 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

don't lie we know you were watching ****

u get free **** on the big screen? lucky bastard


Upon first reading, it seems a little far-fetched. Then, I realized OP forgot one little word in the beginning and it all made sense. I came at* home...

Why even turn on the tv if you aren't gonna watch it?

Why would you mute the TV to check your email?

that's Brisbane or Toowomba, not the entirety of Australia, and anyway not all of Brisbane or Toowomba are submerged.

47--I think you mean "cause I'm dumb"... because how you're trying to say it, it should be "cause he/she is dumb"... it's ok if you don't understand what I'm trying to explain here; you're one of many...

ErnieEffinC 0

maybaybe (dot) (dot) (dot) your a badass lol but ah I was trying to figure out which fml was about twilight and I remember seeing your name on a comment do you know how long ago that one came out?

wonderful_wendy 0

you spent one hour checking your email?

I believe that would be you... you managed to spell two of three words incorrectly... congratulations!

obviously u were watching ****. What u accidentally had it on the **** channel to begin with, someone had to change it to the **** network and ur the only one there.... put 2 and 2 together HAHAHA

DU0 0

It's called 'glancing', Op. Use it.