Not now

By Wife - 08/08/2011 00:02 - United States

Today, while zooming down the interstate, I had to tell my husband to put his penis away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 460
You deserved it 6 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wanted you to head south if you know what I mean

jumpshot23 0

He was pretending to drive a standard. Don't take his fun away.


midnightsky1 3

Why did he have it out in the first place???

jumpshot23 0

Why not have it out? A man should be able to have his penis out without his motives being questioned.

twinny_sc 13
latinking13 8

Because most cops that are on the interstate like ****

red1355 6

If u have to ask then ur a prude!

omgcookeys 15

If you got it, flaunt it! :)

btown99909 0

he wanted to flip someone off using his penis

Before or after someone saw it? Did zooming down the interstate with his dick out turn him on? Were you going to maybe check into a hotel for the night? ; )

himynameischeese 6

Well why did you do that!!! You may not ever see it again!!

ReynshineCutting 10

No man will ever turn down sex from his wife. It's just law.

Maybe he's trying to teach you how to drive stick!


No highway delight for him. Buzzkill

That is fuc-king awesome, he's a keeper!!!

gmc_blossom 21

Aw, don't be such a killjoy. Severus Snape says it's perfectly fine to have ones genitals hanging out. So, it was perfectly fine.