By Gremlinswife - 24/07/2012 20:25 - Canada - Chilliwack

Today, my mother bitched me out for not finishing my laundry. I'm a 37-year-old mother of three. She rents my basement suite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 951
You deserved it 2 669

Gremlinswife tells us more.

I charge them rent but also pay them to babysit. They have a pretty sweet deal. My Husband works out of province i'm essentially a single mother 2 week of each month and my youngest son has special needs. Laundry is very low on my list of things to do in my kids waking hours lol

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"Elderly Woman Unexpectedly Drowns in Daughters Basement"

Tell her get her own place or to calm her ****


Awwhh that sucks :( JK. My housemate is a super mutant and I don't do laundry... Ever.

Sorry, I thought this was the broken arm post and was wondering how your comment was at all relevant. Never mind me... How is your roommate mutant though?

Fallout reference im assuming. So if you play the game you can imagine a super mutant just punching a hole in the washer instead of starting it.

39 is correct and his scenario is the exact reason why I don't do laundry.

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lukep135 6

So you should just let any family member live with you for free?

I mean, she did raise you.. Wouldn't it be like thanking her for what she did? Haha I don't know. She seems bitchy anyway so I guess you're right

Yeah, especially since they make us pay at some point. It's just courtesy to help pitch in for all the household bills.

borkchop1992 15

So what if she raised her? It's not like her mom(meaning her mom's mom) didnt't raise her.

I agree! I don't know about the rest of all but personally the women gave me life, least I can do is support her when she can't support herself. I actually think making your mother pay rent is disgusting. But I guess it depends what relationship you have with her.

I agree! I don't know about the rest of all but personally the women gave me life, least I can do is support her when she can't support herself. I actually think making your mother pay rent is disgusting. But I guess it depends what relationship you have with her.

Having an extra person living on the home costs money (food, water, electricity, etc.). Maybe the OP can't afford to feed and house her mother without a little extra income. Who knows what the rent is. It could just be a token, like the mother is paying $300 for what should be an $800 basement suite.

So, if the person who gave birth to you was a crazy bitch or a freeloader or anything not so pleasent, you'd let them live with you (for free)?

JOcoco 14

My Grandmother lives with my Aunt. All of her sons and daughters offered to house her for free but she refused. She insists on paying rent. So don't assume. Maybe I missed it but no where in that FML did I read that the mother was paying rent. Only that she was bitching.

Maggey 19

I think parents who live with their kids should help out financially unless the kid is both able and happy to fully support the parent. My mother kicked me out when I was 17, but if she really needed help I'd let her live with me because she gave me life. I'd be willing to split costs with her to keep her bills down but I wouldn't fully support her. It's struggle enough to support myself.

5 - Your mother and any family member are completely different. One gave life to you the other did not.

Read my comment properly 'depends your relationship'. KK thanks.

Tell her get her own place or to calm her ****

22cute 17

Or just double her rent. You have that right.

MikeMikeTheAzn 3

Sit down with her and say IM A ******' GROWN LADY! Say it nicely though.. or else she'll pissed...

but make sure to say it in all caps, cuz thats the nice way to do it

"Elderly Woman Unexpectedly Drowns in Daughters Basement"

16 - Atleast you tried... I gave you a thumbs up for the effort! :)

carminecris89 13

Tell her if she doesn't like it then she can do it, or find another place.

b0ngs 7

That's kinda rude...firstly she is her mother and probably washed OP's clothes when she was younger and also housed OP when she was younger, so if anything the mom deserves the right to live with her. Just sayin!

carminecris89 13

As a parent you are supposed to raise and take care of your kid. She is letting her mother stay. It's a favor that she doesn't owe her mother for doing her job as a parent. Her mother has no right to complain. Op has 3 kids to worry about. Laundry is the least of her problems. Her mother needs to be gracious and understanding. If it bothers her that much, she can do it herself. Op has a lot on her plate and the last thing anyone in her position needs is to listen to complaining about non issues .

Or OP's mom could be a total bitch and OP is letting her rent out of the kindness of her heart... It's not always easy having your mother around, especially when you are trying to raise children.

b0ngs 7

True 31, I never thought of that. Now I feel like an ass:P

@38 Don't. OP has no obligation to let her mother live with her, especially if she's going to harp on about unfinished laundry of all things.

Better yet, allow her to live there rent free providing she cleans up after you and your kids and does the laundry! Humiliate her!

borkchop1992 15

You should do like all moms and just make your kids do it.

Don't you wish you could just wash your problems away?

I can. It's called bleach. Bye bye mustard, ketchup, and pretty much any other stain...

asoptavlo14 6

The bitch is still her mother..