By Gemini gang - 27/07/2019 04:04

Today, my family surprised me for my birthday by showing up with a chocolate cake and my ex-boyfriend from back home. They all forgot I'm allergic to chocolate, that I broke up with him about a year ago, and that he’s been trying to win me back ever since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 142
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nhayaa 21

Are you really that naive to really believe they "forgot" that you broke up with him? If he's trying to win you back, I'd say your family just sent a clear message : it seems they want you to get back to him...

Or rather that they like him better than you and he likes chocolate cake.


They got it right 1 out of 3 (assuming it was the correct date and that you like surprises) give them credit 😂

Nhayaa 21

Are you really that naive to really believe they "forgot" that you broke up with him? If he's trying to win you back, I'd say your family just sent a clear message : it seems they want you to get back to him...

Or rather that they like him better than you and he likes chocolate cake.

They didn't forget. They just don't care.