Noped out

By Anonymous - 23/09/2013 00:08 - United States - Charlotte

Today, my sister and her two-year-old came to my place for a visit. Not long after arriving, my niece ripped off her diaper and immediately took a dump on my white carpet. Guess who had to 'suddenly' leave afterwards, leaving me to clean up the mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 966
You deserved it 2 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LappDance 16

Would that be considered a shit and run?


skyeyez9 24

Save it in a bag, then dump it at her house. Preferably on her front porch and set on fire.

its been done before. eat a hersheys bar and then put the shit in the wrapping. tell the sister you got her a treat. watch her face as she buries her face into it.

She took her "bundle of joy" with her, right?

#20, then it would poop on your carpets too...

Well clearly you need to go to your sister's house and take a shit on her carpet, OP.

Yet another idiot that probably shouldn't have had a child. FYL, OP. I would definitely take a picture, have your carpet professionally cleaned, and then send your stupid sister the bill.

That's no reason to hate the child. She didn't know any better, as I doubt she's potty-trained yet. It's her mother that's to blame for this.

What douchebag idiot downvoted 62? They were speaking the truth.

I'm hoping she left because you told her to leave and not because she made up an excuse. I wouldn't let her leave until cleaned it out paid to get it cleaned.

Sounds like someone is about ready for potty training =D No but seriously, take that shit to your sisters house and leave it there for her to clean up.