Noped out

By Anonymous - 23/09/2013 00:08 - United States - Charlotte

Today, my sister and her two-year-old came to my place for a visit. Not long after arriving, my niece ripped off her diaper and immediately took a dump on my white carpet. Guess who had to 'suddenly' leave afterwards, leaving me to clean up the mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 966
You deserved it 2 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LappDance 16

Would that be considered a shit and run?


You totally didn't deserve that, OP. Your sister should've helped you at least clean up the mess. Isn't that what families are for? Plus it was her baby. Anyhow, sorry OP.

Little4Bear 10

You should set some ground rules OP next time they come by. Literally.

If you have dog let it take a shit inside her house. That should stain nicely.

thegravytrain 6

I would make it clear RIGHT as she said she had to leave, that if she actually walked out that door without cleaning up her baby's mess, that she was never welcome in your house again. Sh*t like that just doesnt fly. Put your foot down

It guess it was nap time...sorry about that OP...

Ari1337 15
happyfingers 15

I'd have it professionally cleaned to get rid of any stains or anything and have her pay for it. It's the least she can do. I mean, seriously?

I would just take a nice adult sized shit in each room of her house.

Now that is just not the right way of giving someone crap. But I'll give her points on creativity lol. Shame OP hope the stain came out fine