By ghostninja4593 - 02/12/2016 03:48 - United States - Council Bluffs

Today, my reflexes kicked in when I saw a hot glue gun falling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 209
You deserved it 1 413

Same thing different taste

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Remember, OP, just because you saved the glue gun doesn't mean it owes you anything in return. No matter how hot you think is, or how little it was wearing.

I almost did that when I dropped an open pocket knife. Luckily at the last second I thought "wait, what the crap am I doing?"


I almost did that when I dropped an open pocket knife. Luckily at the last second I thought "wait, what the crap am I doing?"

Remember, OP, just because you saved the glue gun doesn't mean it owes you anything in return. No matter how hot you think is, or how little it was wearing.

I did that with my shaving knife. Luckily no stitches were needed!

My sister "caught" a falling iron and now has a perfect imprint of it scared into her forearm.

Today my reflexes kicked in when I saw America falling. Now I'm going to make America great again but I'm hated for it. Fml

FalloutScrolls 25

I tried to catch a pair of wire strippers once... Didn't feel good when they somehow clamped onto my finger.

This is the best-written FML I have ever come across. I mean, sorry you Johnny Tremained your hand but damn you write well.