Beggars can be choosers

By Rebecca Palermo - 14/12/2020 11:03

Today, I saw a girl asking for money on the median of an entrance to a parking lot with her dog. Later, I bought a box of dog treats for her. I drove up and handed it to her. She rolled her eyes and said, "How the hell am I supposed to carry that?" I sat there in stunned disbelief with the box she refused to take. FML
I agree, your life sucks 950
You deserved it 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The real question is, "How will I be able to trade dog treats for crack?

with a reaction like that she is probably just scamming people.


with a reaction like that she is probably just scamming people.

Marcella1016 31

So sorry you got that reaction. Your heart was absolutely in the right place, and don’t let people like her put you off of being the kind-hearted person you are :)

The real question is, "How will I be able to trade dog treats for crack?

id assume they scammin, but thats no reason to fret about them not taking a gift. end of the day they prolly still have no where to put things

OP, don’t feel bad - You acted out of the goodness of your heart. Unfortunately, a great many of the “homeless” beggars you see by the road soliciting money are scammers. They don’t want food, they just want money. They either consider this “a job” or they “need the money” for drugs or alcohol. It is a very sad commentary on our times that there are so many scammers and con artists that we cannot trust our impulse to be helpful.