New pariah just dropped

By Anonymous - 09/01/2024 14:00 - United States

Today, I had such an intense stomach ache I couldn’t even stand up. I ended up shitting my pants. I’m 13. FML
I agree, your life sucks 553
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nothing to be embarrassed about. Bodies are weird, and you might have eaten something funny or picked up a bug. Drink lots of fluids and get some rest, and you'll probably be okay in a day or so--if not, let your parents know you need to see a doctor. (I cannot emphasize enough the 'fluids' part. You can have stomach issues all day--it's only dangerous when you start losing too many fluids. Drink water, gatorade, anything not carbonated, because it'll help.)

it happens. even in adulthood. it will happen again and it's nothing to be ashamed of. you couldn't control it


Nothing to be embarrassed about. Bodies are weird, and you might have eaten something funny or picked up a bug. Drink lots of fluids and get some rest, and you'll probably be okay in a day or so--if not, let your parents know you need to see a doctor. (I cannot emphasize enough the 'fluids' part. You can have stomach issues all day--it's only dangerous when you start losing too many fluids. Drink water, gatorade, anything not carbonated, because it'll help.)

it happens. even in adulthood. it will happen again and it's nothing to be ashamed of. you couldn't control it

L0life29 6

no worries. crapped myself deer hunting, once