City boy

By Anonymous - 10/01/2024 00:00 - Switzerland

Today, I walked 30 minutes with my new boyfriend from my chalet to the local supermarket, cutting through the woods. It was dark, but the moon shone bright and we had torches. He was so scared, he startled at every noise and even cried. When we got to town, he dumped me, and left on the next train. FML
I agree, your life sucks 661
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh honey 🫂 Speaking as someone who loves moonlit woods, that's just pants. You'll be ok in a few weeks and it'll turn into one of those funny ex stories. Better to find out he's a complete wuss now than at some point actually important...

Not everyone is the outdoor explorer type. I grew up next to my grandparents farm with its pastures and enjoyed walking there. My wife is originally from Long Island and she is always looking at the houses and shops and thinks landscapes are boring. It's just a matter of what you are used to...


Oh honey 🫂 Speaking as someone who loves moonlit woods, that's just pants. You'll be ok in a few weeks and it'll turn into one of those funny ex stories. Better to find out he's a complete wuss now than at some point actually important...

Not everyone is the outdoor explorer type. I grew up next to my grandparents farm with its pastures and enjoyed walking there. My wife is originally from Long Island and she is always looking at the houses and shops and thinks landscapes are boring. It's just a matter of what you are used to...

at least you found out right away that he's a big wuss. now you're free to find a real man that you need. personally, your home sounds amazing!

Vesi 29

OK for those of you calling him a wuss.. we have NO idea what he might have had happen in his childhood. There might be some hidden traumas that were triggered. Men are people. They have emotions, they have fears, they have hopes and aspirations. This BS about being a "real man"? I want my man to be honest with me when he has emotions. I want to be able to hold him if something makes him cry. That is not being a wuss, that is being true to himself. This toxic masculinity is why so many men suicide. Because they are not allowed to be real. Shame on all of you for encouraging that nastiness.

EricW 4

This guy was a pussy, not a man.