Nature is healing

By kat, ACT - 20/12/2009 14:37 - United States

Today, while driving, we pulled up at a set of traffic lights next to a huge truck with live animals inside. Curious as to exactly what animal, I wound down my window to see if I could hear them, just in time for the truck to take off and cow shit to fly in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 479
You deserved it 11 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Curious as to exactly what animal, I wound down my window to see if I could hear them..." YDI >:D That's so cute xD

f_my_flip_life 5


natizakhi 0

FAKEEE!!!! you ******* retard! cow shit cant fly even if the cows on a truck! the acceleration would be too ******* slow you **** sucker and how the **** could the cow shit (youre a cowshit) fly SIDEWARDS and also INTO YOUR ******* WINDOW?! someone should hold you under and cow and let it shit in your mouth!

If she's in a car NEXT TO a double deck truck carrying cows the shit kind of just rattles off the sides. That coupled with the waving of cow tails inside and wind outside could very well leave someone with a face full of crap. Just remember people, if a truck pulls up next to you and is carrying animals, chances are they are sheep or cows, the smell is not worth winding down the window to hear them.. I stand by a comment on another thread... natizakhi, you are a wank

That's funny..... very improbable, but funny. At least you found out what animal it was :D

#31, I agree. It's like woop de effing doo you saw a deer. Now get out of my lane before I rear end you.

did any of you physics junkie morons ever happen to think of the shit accelerating out of the cows ass while it was pushed up against the inside of the trailer, while passing the car with the open window?..... didn't think so, and if you think it cant happen go stand next to a cattleliner

This story is so bogus. Highly unlikable and improbable. So did the cow like decide to throw some poo at you. Next time come up wth a better lie crapface.

youthink_fml 0

I doubt that happened. If I'm wrong, you didn't know a cow when you saw it?

Correct me if i'm wrong but, ins't glass TRANSPARENT, in smaller words for you to understand you can see through it... YDI