To snitch or not to snitch

By bioloss - 21/06/2021 08:01 - United States - New York

Today, I found out my mom is sleeping with my boss. My dad doesn’t know yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 394
You deserved it 86

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have more proof than word of mouth, tell your mom if she doesn't admit what she's been doing to your dad, you will. Assuming he's a good dude.

diraven 15


If you have more proof than word of mouth, tell your mom if she doesn't admit what she's been doing to your dad, you will. Assuming he's a good dude.

diraven 15
mccuish 25

get your money from your boss. demand a raise and some sort of employment protection due to the situation. get it signed and then talk to your mother and layout father know. but get your money and security first so you don't suffer from this bs