By oops. - 22/12/2018 16:00

Today, my wife had a nip-slip. At my family reunion. In front of everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 144
You deserved it 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh dear God no! Not a nipple! And a female nipple at that! The most offensive thing in the world! How dare your wife wear clothing that would risk exposing her nipples! Does she have no shame? On a more serious note, it's just a nipple. We all have them, but they look weirder on dudes. If any of your family were upset that they saw your wife's nipple, they're just a bunch of *****. And your wife shouldn't be embarrassed, either. There are worse things to witness than a nipple.


Oh dear God no! Not a nipple! And a female nipple at that! The most offensive thing in the world! How dare your wife wear clothing that would risk exposing her nipples! Does she have no shame? On a more serious note, it's just a nipple. We all have them, but they look weirder on dudes. If any of your family were upset that they saw your wife's nipple, they're just a bunch of *****. And your wife shouldn't be embarrassed, either. There are worse things to witness than a nipple. did this make it onto FML? Congratulations on a nip slip being the biggest "Tragedy" in your life.

ochiyds 5

not even your own nipple. the nipple of someone else.

colderthanyou 15

I’m assuming your wife wasn’t thrilled about it either. Women are still allowed to not want their families (or others) to see their nips, don’t let her feel bad about others rolling their eyes and saying ‘it’s just a nipple’

Why would this be a FML for you. If anything, the FML would go to your wife.

PenguinPal3017 19

I think since it's his family it makes some sense.

Not really your FML to post. If your wife had an incident like that, then don't post it all over the internet.

PenguinPal3017 19

At least it wasn't during the Super Bowl.

Eh, just a nipple. If that's too much for someone, they can hide under a blanket.

Blunt person 16

Why was she wearing something that would cause that to happen so easily? Regardless, sounds more like an F her life than yours.