We're in Hell

By Anonymous - 09/08/2021 20:01

Today, it's Monday. I'm living in hangover hell. Work is hell. Moving my head is hell. Did I party all weekend? Yes. Except that it was just me and my cat. Nothing was consumed other than several bottles of wine and tubs of Ben & Jerry's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 342
You deserved it 1 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How is your cat? I hope he can hold his liquor better than you can. Were you compelled by peer pressure to overdo the drinking? By your cat? You may need to enroll in a two-step program: Step 1: Admit you have a problem. Step 2: Everyone has problems -- so what?!?! Success!


How is your cat? I hope he can hold his liquor better than you can. Were you compelled by peer pressure to overdo the drinking? By your cat? You may need to enroll in a two-step program: Step 1: Admit you have a problem. Step 2: Everyone has problems -- so what?!?! Success!

Marcella1016 31

Is it bad that I assumed OP was a woman before I checked the gender? I thought it would be the third fml from that randomly punctuated cat lady and it looked like she was well on her way lol

No, it would be bad if you assumed the OP who couldn't borrow their parents' car was a woman. It's be worse if you assumed she's an Asian woman. Bad! Bad Marcella!

You consumed several bottles of wine and are surprised you are hungover? Wow.

Marcella1016 31

And I hear some ******* can hold a lot. Was that too vulgar? Sorry Alan I couldn’t help it lol

We also don’t know over how long of a period OP was drinking and how much water they consumed. I can drink half a bottle of whiskey and not be hungover, but only if I space out the drinks and match ounce for ounce with water.

hope it was dry wine because holy sugar batman, I can understand why you're in hangover hell. feel better!