
By almostmugged - 17/09/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, as I was walking home, three burly men suddenly began to approach me. Thinking they were going to mug me, I reached for my pocketknife and said, "Stay away, I have a knife." Turns out they just wanted directions to an ice cream shop for their daughters, who were now bawling their eyes out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 054
You deserved it 55 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mafia leaders see their daughters during the week too. What's wrong with you?

They had their daughters with them at the time? If so, then you're an idiot.


surfinkid07 0

You Rock. It is way better to accidentally pull a knife on someone than end up dead and raped in a gutter. I commend thee!

whitebunny_fml 0

Hell you are like me:)))))))))))))

Hahahahaha! Honestly, I clicked "you deserved it" but i'd have done the same thing. Never hurts to be prepared. =)

YDI. Is there not a day and time when mafia bosses can bring their daughters with them to work?

RebeccaWvvv 0

Judgemental jerk!! Way to be a total asshole...

it's not his fault, everyone fears for their safety and has a right to protect themselves if they feel it's necessary. even if their wrong.

BlueCord_Warrior 0
ninjasaurous 0

You thought they were gonna mug you.... With their kids there?

tchaikovsky93 0

Better safe than sorry. I understand.