By Shenza - 17/06/2012 12:34 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I am exhausted and can barely move after being up all night taking care of my drunk and vomiting husband. He, on the other hand, feels much better and is bounding with energy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 852
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kevsnev 7

Well he better appreciate your help because you sound like a wonderful woman!

HairyPunisher 27

Just because he's her husband doesn't mean they have children.


kevsnev 7

Well he better appreciate your help because you sound like a wonderful woman!

She Sounds damn good to me to :) this time get shit faced an make him take care of u lol

How was he sick and vomiting without a hangover?

2, I bet she did this often, before they got married, so he immediately knew she was a keeper. I can't blame him :). 80, If you puke up enough and hydrate yourself, you can skip the hangover phase.

inkedav 8

Sounds like a sign. Start drinking. ;)

It's the opposite of a sign. Why would you start drinking after you realize it sucks to be hungover..?

18- I'll take a wild guess and say that 3 was joking?

baddawg365 0

18- Op also said SHE was exhausted while her DRUNK husband feels full of energy and happiness. So your statement is invalid because according to Op the morning after us amazing, while the alcohol induced vomit sucks.

inkedav 8

If she drank with him she wouldn't be tired and would be bounding with energy like him.. She wouldn't be writing this FML if she DID drink.

dellis44 7

Well it is fathers day, so he better appreciate all the stuff you did for him!

HairyPunisher 27

Just because he's her husband doesn't mean they have children.

Maybe they don't have children, but maybe OP's husband is one of those guys that shouts "Who's your daddy?!" in bed. Just saying.

dellis44 7

Haha yeah, my comments usually suck. I'm used to it. Hahaha

That bottle is looking pretty good right about now, isn't it?

Time to see if drinking together helps with your waking moments.

thejewishfuhrer 17

Or helps them throw up together.

Ah husbands, next time, get drunk with him! Then neither of you have to take care of the other.

Nope. They'll just both die together from choking to death on their vomit.

Make him earn your love. Request massages.

At least you have the conscious to at least care for your husband on fathers day.