Migraine-inducing FML

By myheadhurts - 21/06/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, I came home from an amazing cruise to find that my house broken into. My best friend apparently decided to invite her drug-addicted friends into my home while I was away, where they stole 172$ and my migraine pills, which are non-refillable. I now have a migraine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 283
You deserved it 5 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hecuva 0

make her pay for everything and change the locks so it doesn't happen again.. OR get the police involved.. get triple or more money for damages

LuckyCharms_fml 0

My dad has done that to me before


myaddiction000 0

and u call this **** bag ur friend???!?!?!?

What a cow, break into her cardboard box and steal everything she owns and hock it for migrane pill moneys. muahahah!

sparxva 12

What exactly makes this person your "best friend?" YDI

You're typing in complete sentences on the computer... you don't have a migraine. If you have a bad headache, call it a bad headache.

Not always true #122. I have suffered from many migraines (not just bad headaches) and have still been able to look at a computer and type in complete sentences. Most of the time I have to wear sunglasses to do so, but I do it. Migraines affect people in different ways, so no one person can judge another unless they can feel what they're going through or they're that persons doctor.

haha I meant to put 'That persons doctor' not the 'they're' but I didn't backspace far enough. Sorry. But on the other hand, I don't know if I believe this story.

nyuukou 0

I don't get why people say you can't have a migraine and type on the computer. I get migraines myself. It's not usually light that bothers me. It's sound, temperature, and pressure. So I can be in a brightly lit room, but it has to be quiet, cold, and nothing touching my head.

Hurt16 0

y do u have a best friend with crack head friends... didn't u realize that their Maasai b a chance of this happening... hey shit happens

YDI for having a best friend that has drug addicted friends that like to swallow migrane pills...

88sforlife 0

Make Her Pay For Everything And Change The Lockz So it Wont happen Again