Meet the in-laws

By Anonymous - 13/11/2021 19:59

Today, I met my girlfriend's dad. He pointed to two crossed swords above the fireplace and informed me the right one is his, and that if I ever hurt his daughter, he’ll give me a fighting chance by letting me use the left one. This guy thinks he lives in the Middle Ages or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 895
You deserved it 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the point is he doesn’t want you to hurt his daughter.

Be glad it’s only the father. If a man harms my daughter, he does t have to worry about me, he has to worry about her twin brother plus 6 older brothers.


I think the point is he doesn’t want you to hurt his daughter.

Be glad it’s only the father. If a man harms my daughter, he does t have to worry about me, he has to worry about her twin brother plus 6 older brothers.

Dirtysalamander1 13

what happens if your daughter hurts the guy?

The left one is probably made of balsa wood. It's a relief he was referring to crossing swords literally. Go to Urban Dictionary if you want to learn the disturbing figurative sense.

geerod 16

Someday when you have kids you’ll understand

His daughter is not his property. Of course no dad wants his children hurt, it doesn’t mean they don’t grow up and they leave you to live their own life.

what you prefer a duel of guns? think the guy with a weapon he is willing to duel with woudnt be well trained? id prefer swords over guns XD

Are her parents Marshall and Lily Ericson?