Marxism intensifies

By Anonymous - 04/07/2020 17:01

Today, after three weeks of suffering from COVID, I returned to work. I met with my boss, and was written up for absenteeism. Oh, and we're closing early because there are ongoing riots. Oh, and we lost the contract and I'm unemployed in three weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 710
You deserved it 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leximichelle 13

I mean, look at the bright side; getting written up doesn’t seem to matter much when your job is only gonna last three more weeks.


bloopaloop 27

I wouldn’t give a contract to a company surrounded by riots either. I hope you told them all thanks.

leximichelle 13

I mean, look at the bright side; getting written up doesn’t seem to matter much when your job is only gonna last three more weeks.

I believe the technical term for this is an "avalanche of shit".

Your employers are breaking the law. The government passed the Federal Cares Act which covers you. Here's a link to the information. Show it to your boss, and if the ball let them know you will be reporting them to the Labor Department, and possibly file a lawsuit. you will win.

Your boss can’t write you up for quarantining while you have Covid. That’s not legal at all. And the fact that you’re losing your job in three weeks sounds like he’s trying to find reason to terminate you in those three weeks with reason of attendance or write ups instead of downsizing so you won’t get unemployment. Take it to HR immediately with proof of your diagnosis.