Make it stop!

By guttedgirl - 04/06/2011 11:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out my ex-boyfriend's band has become quite popular on YouTube. My friends and sister won't stop singing their songs. Most of them were written after I dumped him, and go on to say how much better off he is without me and how horrible I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 387
You deserved it 23 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments


keithandra 0

Hah. Going with YDI on this one since from the sounds of it, you were a real bitch about it.

ViciousFoxes 0

This makes me glad none of my exes will ever go anywhere in life.....

aFMLfann4life 0

looks like you made a better person. Now call and beg for him to take you back and bring him a sammich.

ViciousFoxes 0

I'm relieved this will never happen to me. None of my exes are going anywhere in life.

a_nutritionist 10 then as youre the common denominator here we need to work out why it is you keep dating losers.

say you're the girl from the song and use that to get back at him, in other words sleep around!

TheDrummingResul 0
babycakess10 0

you inspired him to make good music.