Make it stop

By shitty shit - 26/05/2015 15:40 - United States - Carmel

Today, I was looking at old pictures with my mom and saw one of myself crying in kindergarten. I asked why I was crying. She said that was the day a boy kissed me on the cheek, and I thought I'd gotten pregnant. She then decided to give me the sex talk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 179
You deserved it 3 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At first, this sounded like she gave you the sex talk in kindergarten... I might be a bad person for this, but THAT would've been funny!

We all have weird stories from childhood OP! Except the sex talk might have been awkward.


Should we not be asking the age of op?

chef4money 12

That is awesome op, thank you for the laugh. I'm sure at the time you were worried about being a very young mother but it's cracking me up. When I was that age I swallowed a nickel and my brother told me that meant I would get aids. I was a crying mess, it's still a vivid memory for me.

91hayek 31

Older siblings are the worst. I can't be the only one scared stiff because of their trolling. My older sister told me I would now be growing watermelons in my stomach because I swallowed the seeds.

chef4money 12

It didn't help that he is 8 years older than me, so I looked at him as an adult. He showed me my cabbage patch doll birth certificate and told me it was mine and that I was adopted and I believed him. I was worked up for weeks over that one. I cried too when my Nana told me I would grow watermelons in my stomach from the seeds. Jesus I just realised everyone in my family tormented me. That explains so much about why I am the way I am.

praesidiem 16

Your guys' stories all seem like good-natured older sibling teasing. My grandad told me that zebras, were giraffes and vice versa. You should've seen the looks I got in elementary school when the class found out I loved "giraffes."

91hayek 31

Smooth segue by your mom, dude.

PePziNL 20

Wait, I'm confused. Did she give you the sex talk in kindergarten (thus being the reason you started crying), or did she after you saw the picture?

hoosiergirl94 31