A way out

By BurninLuna - 08/02/2022 16:01

Today, I found multiple dating apps in my boyfriend's phone, hidden in a folder with his calculator and calendar. His excuse? He said he was never going to meet up with any of them, he just needed to have a back-up plan. We have been together for five years and live together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 143
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like it’s time he needed his backup plan.

Makes sense he put the apps in that folder. He's looking for a "date" he can "multiply" with.


Sounds like it’s time he needed his backup plan.

Makes sense he put the apps in that folder. He's looking for a "date" he can "multiply" with.

Well, good news for him - He can start putting his backup plan into action immediately. He's an absolute idiot. That's a pretty reasonable deal-breaker to dump him over.

FakeFriendMagnet 1

Sounds like it's time for you to make an exit plan.

xXravingravenXx 8