
By Macdaddy - 05/12/2008 12:49 - France

Today, I attended my first meeting with my bosses. For lunch we went to a restaurant. I choked on a piece of meat and couldn't breathe anymore. I had to take that piece of meat out of my throat with my fingers, and then put it back on my plate all chewed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 035
You deserved it 3 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kulawend 0

I think it's pretty messed up they didn't try and give you the heimlich or something...

cookieinc 0

hey who cares wut ur bosses thought breathing is much more important


Kulawend 0

I think it's pretty messed up they didn't try and give you the heimlich or something...

I agree...why would he do absolutely nothing? FYL, OP!

cookieinc 0

hey who cares wut ur bosses thought breathing is much more important

I can teach you to chew **** better. Bit of a cocksucker myself. ;)

Sessee 4

Oh, are you saying that a vegetarian never choked on something? I hate vegetarians like you. If someone wants to eat meat, let them. It's none of your business.

thtsuxs 0

it's way easier to choke on a carrot than to choke on a piece of meat.

TigranPet 24

You have no filter do you?

abcdefg11233 0

and they didn't try to help you??

coldplaylive2003 0
FYLkid 0

Agreed with #3 Vegetarians = win Don't eat gods creations

Guitarist45 0

and no one helped you? FYL. and #7, plants are alive too. if no one ate gods creations, there would be no life forms witin the year. thinking fail.

Excuse yourself to the bathroom next time.

I think they were a little preoccupied by CHOKING!