Late late late

By Lady Julia KaNeko - 20/06/2019 10:15 - United States - Meridian

Today, after going to bed at a decent time last night so I could get up early, I overslept. Not only that, I thought today was the day of my job interview, so I rushed to get ready and go. As I parked in the parking lot, I realized today was the day before said interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 514
You deserved it 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

At least you DIDN'T really oversleep. You can look at this as a trial run and set more alarms so you don't actually oversleep for the real interview.

Hey, this is a good thing-- a blessing in disguise. You get a free do-over.


rotflqtms_ 21

At least you DIDN'T really oversleep. You can look at this as a trial run and set more alarms so you don't actually oversleep for the real interview.

Hey, this is a good thing-- a blessing in disguise. You get a free do-over.

Kavka 15

At least it wasn’t the day after!!!!

Phil 14

I showed up a day early for a job interview once, ended up getting the job.

ViviMage 38

No no! You are driving to the office to time the drive! Make sure you're on time tomorrow! You don't know how smart you are! You're awesome! Best of luck!

Did you arrive on time on the correct day, and did you get the job?

Look on the bright side; at least it didn't turn out to be the day after.