Great first impression

By Anonymous - 04/02/2023 18:00 - Canada

Today, I woke up early for a job interview. I got lost and arrived an hour late, only to find out it was the wrong day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 344
You deserved it 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's called a dry run. You won't get lost now that you have already been there.

I hope it's not one of those annoying "attention to detail" jobs. I like those jobs where there is no "right" answer, like bomb de-fusing and pharmacy.


I hope it's not one of those annoying "attention to detail" jobs. I like those jobs where there is no "right" answer, like bomb de-fusing and pharmacy.

It's called a dry run. You won't get lost now that you have already been there.