It's the thought that counts

By Anonymous - 24/12/2022 21:00 - Australia

Today, I left my MacBook Pro on the kitchen counter, so my mother later ran it through the dishwasher, thinking it was a “lovely apple chopping board”. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 135
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is now one expensive cutting board. Hopefully, you have some sort of "accidental" damage coverage. If not, bill her for a replacement. Oh, and keep valuables out of reach of the ignorant.


That is now one expensive cutting board. Hopefully, you have some sort of "accidental" damage coverage. If not, bill her for a replacement. Oh, and keep valuables out of reach of the ignorant.

How the hell could she have made such a mistake? The two items look nothing alike! She best be buying you a replacement.