All I want for Christmas is free healthcare

By effmylife - 25/12/2022 00:00

Today, I’ve been battling an aggressive form of cancer for the past 3 years. Due to the financial strain, I started a GoFundMe. I’m grateful for what I got, but a friend also started one for her dog’s surgery and got thousands of dollars. Guess the dog is more important than my kids having a mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 180
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

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Unfortunately if you live in the USA, you have the best care available to you - But only if you can afford it or have good insurance. Serious illnesses like cancer can be horribly expensive if you are uninsured and that’s on top of the medical, physical, and mental health issues you have to deal with from the illness and treatments… OP you have my deepest sympathies. I very much hope you have medical insurance. Unless you are destitute, everyone should have health insurance for yours and your loved ones sakes. I had cancer of the esophagus and fortunately I had Medicare and a good supplement to cover the Medicare copays. If you are very poor you should check into Medicaid which is designed for poorer people. It helped save my maternal grandfather’s life when he had stomach cancer (he smoked cigars) a long time ago… Unfortunately there are scam artists out there who use such things as “Go Fund Me” along with a moving sob story. I assume this is not your case, but those who do that have an impact on the generosity toward people who have real needs.

I’m betting your picture wasn’t cute enough. That’s unfortunately what gets most people: the cute/sad/compelling photo. If you have a picture of your family that you’re willing to post, especially with your kids very young, that might help.


Unfortunately if you live in the USA, you have the best care available to you - But only if you can afford it or have good insurance. Serious illnesses like cancer can be horribly expensive if you are uninsured and that’s on top of the medical, physical, and mental health issues you have to deal with from the illness and treatments… OP you have my deepest sympathies. I very much hope you have medical insurance. Unless you are destitute, everyone should have health insurance for yours and your loved ones sakes. I had cancer of the esophagus and fortunately I had Medicare and a good supplement to cover the Medicare copays. If you are very poor you should check into Medicaid which is designed for poorer people. It helped save my maternal grandfather’s life when he had stomach cancer (he smoked cigars) a long time ago… Unfortunately there are scam artists out there who use such things as “Go Fund Me” along with a moving sob story. I assume this is not your case, but those who do that have an impact on the generosity toward people who have real needs.

I’m betting your picture wasn’t cute enough. That’s unfortunately what gets most people: the cute/sad/compelling photo. If you have a picture of your family that you’re willing to post, especially with your kids very young, that might help.

They can offer belly rubs as a premium to donors who give a certain amount. It would be disturbing if you also offered belly rubs, regardless if you are giving or receiving. It might even be illegal. It should be.

sgtdrakesavage 1

please provide a link to your gofundme. id love to help out