It's certainly some sort of proposal

By imaloser - 06/07/2009 23:27 - Canada

Today, I thought my boyfriend of six years was going to propose to me. We're high school sweethearts and he was my first. Just as he was looking into my eyes he said, "I've been seeing someone else for two years and I'm choosing her over you... it was a tough decision." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 397
You deserved it 4 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that sucks....I'm sorry. Hope the next few months are okay for you. On the bright side - way to dodge a bullet. If he did it once, chances are he'll do it again.

Lame guy, he thinks he's in a tv show called The Bachelor IX or something


mj2123 0

I hope you punched him. In the balls.

he is a heel for stringing you on for so long. it hurts, I know. you'll get through it. just don't start sleeping around or do any revenge stuff. it feels good in the short run, but in the long run, you'll regret it.

Evidently, you weren't the better option... FYL for losing the game that is life. Oh, and btw, I just lost the game

Seriously? People are still doing that?

Hey. That sucks. But I've been through it. I learned that (aside from here) nobody wants to hear stories of what went wrong, but they love to hear what you did about it. Make this a triumph. Hell, if he really was the one you wanted, go fight for him. Love until you can't, and then regret nothing, because you aren't the one who gave up. Hang in there. (Or forget him and move on. But it's your choice, not us schmucks on a website choosing for you.)

alainater 0

Even though it's painful now, consider that he did a great favor for you. If he had no qualms about carrying on an affair while you were dating, it's difficult to think that he'd do otherwise if you were married. In fact, feel sorry for the other woman, she obviously has no idea what she's getting herself into. Go out there and live it up, OP. It's a blessing in disguise.

that sucks. but believe me when i say it that HS relationships rarely last. you are not alone. people grow and change and 99% of the time, a couple who are suited when they are 16 may not be suited a few years down the line. you will learn from this relationship, and although it doesn't feel like it now, things will get better.

Alice_Renee 0

FYL, but he did you a favor. I can't say I've been in a relationship, simply because I've been single my whole life but I do know enough about relationships to know that your ex is a dickweed. Sure, being single hurts sometimes, but you learn to get over the pain and move on. Be happy that you aren't tied down anymore. Be free, fly away, learn who you really are. Then go back and try for someone else who's faithful to you. Unless you're not addicted to your romantic freedom. I know I am. ; )

zee209 0

Highschool sweethearts never last.