That autumn smell

By Anonymous - 21/10/2021 02:00

Today, my cat vomited down my heater vent. It went very far down. I'm not even sure if I got all of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 848
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol, I'm getting an ad on this page titled "Do this if your cat vomits" with a picture of kittens either eating or regurgitating rice into a bowl. Too bad I can't forward it to OP, maybe it covers cat puke in vents!

Pretty soon you'll find out how much you missed. It'll probably make you vomit down the heater vent...and so it goes.


Pretty soon you'll find out how much you missed. It'll probably make you vomit down the heater vent...and so it goes.

lol, I'm getting an ad on this page titled "Do this if your cat vomits" with a picture of kittens either eating or regurgitating rice into a bowl. Too bad I can't forward it to OP, maybe it covers cat puke in vents!