It's certainly some sort of proposal

By imaloser - 06/07/2009 23:27 - Canada

Today, I thought my boyfriend of six years was going to propose to me. We're high school sweethearts and he was my first. Just as he was looking into my eyes he said, "I've been seeing someone else for two years and I'm choosing her over you... it was a tough decision." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 397
You deserved it 4 295

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, that sucks....I'm sorry. Hope the next few months are okay for you. On the bright side - way to dodge a bullet. If he did it once, chances are he'll do it again.

Lame guy, he thinks he's in a tv show called The Bachelor IX or something


he's a dick, shake it off and move on , and don't take him back when he comes crawling back when he realizes he blew a good thing

aSh3s 0

You're better off without him, as everyone's pretty much saying. Good thing you didn't marry him. You'll find someone so much better. :) And if the girl he chose didn't know he had been cheating on her, you could nicely inform her, and tell her she is also "the other girl".

bollywood_rocks 0

That's being bitchy and I hope OP has more class and dignity than you do to not do that. It makes you look like a sore loser

aSh3s 0

I probably wouldn't do it. But if she's posting it on here, she's obviously upset. And it's a lot better than some of the other crazy thoughts people have known to come up with. [not meaning anyone here, I mean, in general.]

it wouldnt make you look like a sore loser. i think the other girl has a right to know what's been going on

jklol2 0

Exactly. Don't forget he's technically cheating on his other girl of 2 years with the OP so the other girl deserves to know what's going on, no matter how grim the current situation already is.

Find out who the other women is and see if she knew about your relationship.

FYL but... how do you not realize for TWO years.

Two years foo'. He was only seeing the other chick for two years.

Thats sucks for you. But it's better to hear it now than getting married, have some kids and and than telling you:" hey babe, I'm seeing someone else for the last 12 years and I'm choosing her over you" Soooo....**** the douchebag and start a new life. BTW: highschool sweethearts?? :/

Wtf. "High school sweethearts" and you think you're getting married? But... you fail so much!

kitties_fml 12

if they started dating in high school (making them "highschool sweethearts") and then continued to do so for 2-5 years (depending on when in high school they started dating) after high school, it's reasonable to think marriage is a possibility...

bollywood_rocks 0

OP, just because you've been with a guy for six years doesn't mean he's gonna marry you. Sorry to break it to you. Relationships are a "live in the moment" thing and for you to assume that makes me say YDI. Someone once told me that a first relationship often isn't meant to last; it's where you flex your muscles so to speak and get your feet wet. Then when the next guy comes along,you learn from the mistakes of the first one to make the second one better. On a last note, I have to say though: you shoukd've seen that one coming. High school "romances" hardly ever work out and I say that from experience

snake_Girl85 0

Not always true... I married my first boyfriend. Granted we were a little atypical... I didn't start dating till I was in college. I'd turned down a few guys in high school because I wasn't really interested in casual dating. I think it mostly has to do with maturity level. People who start dating at 14 are probably not going to last because they aren't mature enough to handle all that comes with a relationship, and they aren't fully matured as people yet...

How fake is this FML, seriously. If it has to be fake at least make it funny.

dead_man_fml 0

Aw, babe, Im sorry. That's really awful. But since you've been dating since HS, maybe its time to be single for awhile and find out who you are. This might end up being a really good thing for you! :)

ithedarkknight 0

#40 got the right idea... have fun you dont need to be tied down to someone so early... we only got a short time on this planet make the best of it...