It's called fashion

By anonymous - 04/05/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, I went into work to set up a new store. There was a lot of lifting so I dressed casual. This happened to be the day the owner brought in his conservative family to check out the store. I was wearing a shirt that says "Everyone Poops" and has a donkey and elephant pooping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 440
You deserved it 60 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KwitIt 0

I mean, I understand wanting to dress casual... but isn't there kind of a line somewhere between casual and inappropriate?

Why would you even buy a t-shirt like that?


hahahaha. Hopefully they have a broad sense of humor? lol

well if they are conservative then they are probably republican(elephant) then they will be happy to see donkeys pooping cuz liberals are so full of themselves some of them don't have assholes

christa953 12

omg I had that book when I was 4!!

It says they're conservative, so probably not.

acro_actress95 0

Ohh.... Sucks for you! YDI though for wearing a shirt like that!

Why would you even buy a t-shirt like that?

hellokittywhore 0

it's an awsome childerens book, It was my baby brothers favorite he used to have me read it to him every night!!! lol I love it so it wasn't a problem :)))

it's also a political shirt. you know, democrats and republicans.

easier2apologize 0

Unless you work for a proctologist, don't wear that shirt to work.

KwitIt 0

I mean, I understand wanting to dress casual... but isn't there kind of a line somewhere between casual and inappropriate?

I... wha...? I seriously hope I never meet the guy that thinks up these shirts...

You are just as bad as those douches who walk through the supermarket wearing shirts that say 'Stop breast cancer: If you don't check, I WILL' YDI. Big time

tessie1423 0

That is a really creepy ****** who wears that shirt.

I'm kinda with #6. I mean, really, casual or not, it's your *workplace*. YDI.

I've helped set up a store before. It's common for people to wear these kinds of shirts.