It is kinda weird

By Anonymous - 10/06/2022 18:00

Today, about two years ago, my FWB pretended to be my boyfriend to get my mom off my back about being single. This ended up with our parents meeting, which ended up with my divorced dad marrying his widowed mom, so now my FWB is my step-brother and we don’t fuck anymore because he says it’s weird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 857
You deserved it 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's an entire movie subgenre that disagrees with him! Or so I've heard.

Sweet! Dude! Sweet! Dude! Lol, I hope your parents are happy.


There's an entire movie subgenre that disagrees with him! Or so I've heard.

I've heard about that one, too. I would certainly never watch such trash. Harumph!

Sweet! Dude! Sweet! Dude! Lol, I hope your parents are happy.