Is it though?

By lindsey822 - 08/04/2021 10:59

Today, my brother and his wife have seriously decided to name their son “Bubba.” I don’t know how to politely explain to them that Bubba is a dog’s name, not a human’s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 799
You deserved it 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If either of them work in a supervisory position maybe bring up how that would look on a resume when the baby is older? I call my son Bubba sometimes, perfectly acceptable nickname, but not a very good legal name if they want him to be taken seriously anywhere other than a bait and tackle shop later in life.

None of you guys have heard of buba smith?


If either of them work in a supervisory position maybe bring up how that would look on a resume when the baby is older? I call my son Bubba sometimes, perfectly acceptable nickname, but not a very good legal name if they want him to be taken seriously anywhere other than a bait and tackle shop later in life.

I think its a fine name. Bubba is warm and welcoming and kind of sweet. besides, it's not your business.

Sounds like your nascent social skills are trying to tell you it's not your business. Don't overrule them!

My brother's childhood nickname was Bubba, and sometimes younger siblings will call their older brother Bubba.

I call my brother that but he has a real name! I couldn't say brother as a kid

bobsanction 18

Never been south of the Mason-Dixon line have ya?

While I agree that it's a stupid name I really don't see how it affects you at all.

time to go fishing for shrimp with forest?

Doomthebloom 4

don't it will spark an unnecessary argument and in the long run you can laugh about it since your brother is probably going to regret his decision and for bubba he can change his name when he's 18 to whatever he wants