Ironic, isn't it?

By Sleepless - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, after countless nights of no sleep and only some spontaneous naps, I was finally seeing a sleeping doctor to analyze the problem. I missed the appointment because I ended up sleeping through my alarm after not being able to sleep at all last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 786
You deserved it 1 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1. Use Ambien. 2. Join women's rights activist group. 3. Write strongly worded complaints about the objectification of women perpetuated by the **** industry while in a drug-induced stupor (you'd be in the stupor, not the women). 4. Profit… from your sleep disorder!

Hope you get to reschedule, it's not your fault. FYL


Hope you get to reschedule, it's not your fault. FYL

urgen care perphaps? you dont want to have an appointment for another day and lose more sleep

They don't have sleep doctors at urgent care clinics.

Justy101 23

I tend to schedule appointments for the afternoon if possible because of my sleeping disorder, just in case I sleep through my alarms. Shit happens, surely a sleep specialist will understand.

Next thing you know you'll start having vividly real dreams about zombies and stuff.

At least you got some much needed rest. I'm pretty sure you can reschedule after talking it over with the doctor. Good luck OP.

Fate has a fondness for moments like that.

I've been there, I used to have the same symptoms you do, it took going to a sleep doctor to figure out the problem too. There's many ways I coped with them to try and not miss important events. Set multiple alarms at 5min integrals, and at max volume. Scare yourself awake, the adrenaline rush can get you up and going. If you live with someone, ask them if they can get you up, and make sure they know not to leave you until you physically get up, because falling back asleep is very easy. You could also set an alarm for a little earlier than you're supposed to get up, and then take a stimulant of some kind, caffeine pills, a cup of coffee, or something, that way when the time you're actually supposed to wake up rolls around, the stimulants have kicked in and you're more awake. For now, just reschedule and tell the doc what happened. I'm sure you're sleep doc will understand, they usually do, they deal with this stuff all the time. Maybe even try for an appointment that's more in the afternoon or evening, that way you don't have to deal with the exhaustion and potential of sleeping through your alarm in the morning.

sounds like someone hasnt been drinking enough cough syrup

1. Use Ambien. 2. Join women's rights activist group. 3. Write strongly worded complaints about the objectification of women perpetuated by the **** industry while in a drug-induced stupor (you'd be in the stupor, not the women). 4. Profit… from your sleep disorder!

anlong93 9

You never cease to amuse me.

epicgamer 18

Lol, references to older fmls

jcash52426 5

Problem solved now you don't have to go to the dr!!!!