Our little secret

By Anonymous - 16/12/2022 12:00

Today, I found out that the “stranger” I’ve been confessing my kinky, dark, and disgusting fantasies to online is a friend from high school, who figured out it was me by the third sentence. Now I'm praying she has a heart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 607
You deserved it 1 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't you be praying she's into your disgusting kink and wants to poop on you, or whatnot? Let's hope the price of her blackmail is affordable. Any brain will overrule a heart when they are handed something so golden. Wait! Is your kink a golden shower?

rule 1: never share anything with "anonymous" people that you wouldn't share publicly. YDI.


Shouldn't you be praying she's into your disgusting kink and wants to poop on you, or whatnot? Let's hope the price of her blackmail is affordable. Any brain will overrule a heart when they are handed something so golden. Wait! Is your kink a golden shower?

rule 1: never share anything with "anonymous" people that you wouldn't share publicly. YDI.