
By Anonymous - 31/03/2009 05:40 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, he finally entered me, then paused and asked me, "What do I do now?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 143 544
You deserved it 16 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i definitely don't think that's a fml, i think that's rather cute. he wasn't scared to say that he had no idea what to do, which means he obviously wanted to please you since he was asking you what to do.

lol that would so be me on my first time although that's why we have the internet.... it helps a lot haha


You girls just always go complaining . Whether it takes just 2 minutes or "eternity". Honestly, would you rather have a man thinking he knows best and doing it wrong, all in 30 seconds? And all you born-experienced "Chuck Norrises who lost their virginity even before your fathers did" - grow up.

@ 20: That don't kill you, only makes you stronger. Make it rough and hard and hurt!

That's not FML, that's first-time sex. Get over yourself.

davidlonghorn 0

i thought it was second nature? my first time wasn't pretty but it got the job done. even w/o the internet cave-men must have known what needed to be done w/o ever seeing it before... tell ur bf to watch more ****. who'd-a-thunk that **** had medicinal uses...

You should hook him up with the dude who wrote notes.

livingdeadgirl 0

lmfao oh god that is some funny shit.

davidlonghorn 0

haha my first time, he didnt know what to do, so he took my iphone and googled it....while inside of me

Natalle11 6

Well you lost your virginity together(: