By Anonymous - 10/10/2013 05:25 - United States - Long Beach

Today, I had a new client on my massage list. Two of my fingers got stuck in the thick coat of hair covering his back. I had to stop myself from making grunting noises whilst extricating them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 443
You deserved it 3 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kyu_Q 19

You should recommend that Chewbacca start waxing

Beard - sexy Moustache - creepy Chest hair - manly Back hair - The most disgusting thing ever ew ew ew ew ew ew


#1 was pretty close, but used mess instead of situation.

Gah! That was supposed to go to #3 :(

kyu_Q 19

You should recommend that Chewbacca start waxing

That's a hairy situ- *slap* NO! Leave! These types of comments don't belong here. I'm just waiting for someone to say it.

Rainhawk94 27

That's sounds like a hairy situation!

RedX1000FML 11
Rainhawk94 27

Don't pick on the poor boy! He's new to our ever growing tribe and knows nothing of our laws and customs.

did you give him a free wax? so it doesnt happen again.

Forget the noises I would have probably barfed all over him...... Gross

perdix 29

I guess wtih all that Jack Links money and getting messed with, Sasquatch has the stress and the wealth to get massages,

The picture in my head I created is very disturbing to me....

Is your new client by any chance Saskwatch?

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

66- Why did I laugh so damn much?

Beard - sexy Moustache - creepy Chest hair - manly Back hair - The most disgusting thing ever ew ew ew ew ew ew

RedPillSucks 31

You gotta shave your back hair first Noor.

Merylwen 24

I really don't understand that. I mean, I don't find thick "back fur" attractive, but it's not like one chooses to have hair or not. Yes, he could wax it, but why should he? It's not like it's unnatural. Plus, how is it disgusting? It's hair, not dirt. People all have different looking bodies, I can't see the use for bullying everyone to fit a certain standard.

My hair grows unevenly on my face and torso, much to my disappointment. And yet down south of my waist I'm like a damn ape! So I have to agree with #72, we don't get to choose our hair patterns. Can't blame a poor guy for body fuzz some may or may not agree with.