Incel vibes

By unlucky - 05/08/2009 16:29 - South Africa

Today, I was talking with a close friend (who is a virgin) about why he didn't want to have sex with a prostitute. He told me that, "It's not nice to know that the girl you are having sex with has slept with half the country." He then added, "That's exactly why I wouldn't have sex with you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 231
You deserved it 65 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a conversation I had with a very close friend of mine. Then we ended up dating :-p

qwertyone 0

It sounds like he was joking. That or you actually do sleep around too much. For the sake of humanity I hope it's the former.


lilbitch123 0

if this was a guy saying it, i highly doubt there'd be a lot of people calling me a "man *****" as much as how many people are insulting this girl. Don't jump to conclusions, and start being mature about it.

Thanks, that made me laugh very hard. xP

It's better for virgins to take each other's virginity to get a feel for it, then get laid by someone who knows their way around a penis/****** if they don't mind having sex with more than one person.

xD you got owned, you little ho-bag

alexxss_fml 10

ooooooooo burn! ahahahaha XD