By Genius - 25/06/2019 14:00

Today, I went to my fifth job interview in a month. While going over my CV, I found a watermark on the bottom of my cover letter that said it was generated by a template website. Yep, I gave all previous interviewers the same cover letter, with the same watermark. Can't wait to hear back! FML
I agree, your life sucks 734
You deserved it 1 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the facts are true and verifiable, they won’t give a shit exactly how you generated the documents.

manb91gb 15

Well if you did generate a fake CV, you deserve what you get...


manb91gb 15

Well if you did generate a fake CV, you deserve what you get...

I imagine it more like they simply forgot to remove it, but the actual body of the letter could be real.

If the facts are true and verifiable, they won’t give a shit exactly how you generated the documents.

ViviMage 38

The best thing about applying is finding out how to improve yourself and what you did wrong this time! Look at it with an objective eye. For example, I took of expired licenses and put on Harvard Manage Mentor classes completed.

Most people use templates. Every basic business word processor has a resume and cover letter built in. You’d be surprised at how many they get where the placeholder stuff gets missed and not changed out. I love when my husband’s department is hiring and I can giggle at this stuff. For the record though, he’s never tossed a good resume because of it.

I guess attention to details is not one of your listed skills...

If you didn't notice it until now, it can't be that obvious. This is not a great development, but they probably won't toss your resume just for that.

As long as it's your information, it shouldn't be a big deal. A lot of people download templates for resumes, cover letters, etc. Sure, the watermark sucks, but surely you're not the first person to attend an interview with a cover letter created with the help of a template. If the information on your letter is yours and correct/verifiable, it shouldn't be an issue at all.