By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 03:19 - United States

Today, my wife posted on Facebook, "FUCK THA POLICE!" She got 40 likes. I'm a police officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 429
You deserved it 10 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It's a sign that she wants to get intimate with her husband, that's what it is.

she must play a lot of grand theft auto too

xXxIracebethxXx 14

It's true... **** THA SYSTEM! Nah, just kidding, OP. That was funny though. FYL?

Just a kinky way of letting the public know she got laid last night.

iLOLatURpain69 7

Dumbasses, this is a NWA song.

We don't use the electric chair anymore. We use lethal injections.

angry_anonymous 5

OPs wife wants to GET. IT. IN. and she wants all her friends to know

does she come straight from the underground?

yep, no one ever said it before the hangover 2. btw, icp ******* sucks

mikekaz1 1

there was some bitch on here named juggalette that was directed to her

Technically she does "****" the police.

camjamiam 0
RochelleRedvines 8

I'm sure she ***** you all the time. Have a nice marriage :)

You should've commented something like "you already do." that would've racked up the likes

Ugh. I hate when people say **** the police. Don't just **** the police. Take the police on a couple dates. Take the police on a stroll through the park. Feed the police delicious food. Show the police a good time. Then **** the police.

godisnowhere41 5

I guess You have a waiting list of people who want to **** you, I wouldn't complain too quickly.

N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton, 1988.

Druu 53

She does indeed want to **** the police.

What's the matter? She's clearly expressing the behavior she exhibits towards police officers! Dress up in your blue uniform and slap some double wrist jewelry on her hands, I guarantee you she'll be hotter than a polar bear in Al Gore's 'An inconvenient truth'!

Haha! If you thought that was funny, then you'll love my new stand-up routine, "Trying"! New York times raves: "How long is this?" The Chronicle states: "Where is the bathroom?" And the Washington post said: "It's so sad that I'm now laughing!"

You should comment "THE POLICE IS F*CKING YOU"

slushpup9696 12

op should just comment, "Is that an offer?" and see where it takes him

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

"honey, do you mind if I bring the guys from the precinct?"

haha my boyfriend is going to be an officer.. I'm totally gonna make it my status!

BeaterOfTheDrums 15

She probably did it to see your reaction. Don't dwell on it. If it gets worse.. Well you have a taser gun.

GoW_Chick 14

Taser gun really? Sounds like one kinky night to me...

RedPillSucks 31

All that bucking and shuddering. Such a turn-on.

Probably not, RechargedCoconut. She was probably trying to give him a hint. ;)

Just make sure that all your money,possessions are safe&your sack in the night.

Maybe she wanted to **** a cop. Get back in there and do your thing.