By UFVKNP - 10/03/2017 16:00

Today, my coworker and I were swamped with coffee orders. I told him I would "take care of the blacks", and a customer who only heard that sentence screamed at me for several minutes about racism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 988
You deserved it 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, I'm more interested in what you did in response. Did you just look and listen? Did you go about your job ignoring/listening to him?

Well now I guess I've got permission to snowflake out and start a furious row in Firehouse Subs next time I order chili and they insensitively ask me if I want 'crackers'.


Honestly, I'm more interested in what you did in response. Did you just look and listen? Did you go about your job ignoring/listening to him?

Well now I guess I've got permission to snowflake out and start a furious row in Firehouse Subs next time I order chili and they insensitively ask me if I want 'crackers'.

People are too sensitive these days wow. They need to stop over reacting constantly and just relax.

Hey, I still remember the person who got upset at me for referring to black construction paper as black construction paper. Apparently, I was literally supposed to refer to it as "paper of color." For the record, the person speaking wasn't just Caucasian, they were so pale that I'm wondering if they had ever experienced sunlight, and the confused expressions of the African-American couple waiting for my help was all the more priceless... I guess some people are too married to being offended.

species4872 19

I like that, "people are too married to being offended"

Should've dumped a cup of hot scalding coffee right on his head.

species4872 19

Should have offered him a slice of watermelon to calm him down.

jcash52426 5

Great if you take the blacks ill take the whites, ping can take the Asians, and Jose can take the Mexicans and everyone else.

Senator Sessions, does "take care" mean deprive them of their voting right?

People being offended for people that aren't offended