I have sex

By Anonymous - 05/08/2013 17:58 - United States - Athens

Today, I wore a bikini to the lake with my parents. I didn't know that my back was covered in bruises, and ended up having to awkwardly explain to my parents that I am not in an abusive relationship; the bruises came from the sex I had last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 529
You deserved it 16 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have been like. "You should see the other guy"

roflstomp716 19

guess you were cruisin' for a bruisin'..


"By the way ma'am, thank you for letting me in, it really is wonderful in here."

Eh, you probably did something to deserve it like all other women in day to day life.

sproutlet 5

If your love life leaves bruises then you're doing it wrong

I honestly feel bad ruining the perfect '55555' on the 'I agree, your life sucks button. Five fives in a row.

Next time lie and tell them you slipped while mopping and landed on your back very awkwardly taking a couple of hits on the way down to explain the most likely unusually patterns. If they ask why you didn't mention this previously tell them you were drunk and it wasn't a proud moment.