Hypocrite much?

By sonofahypocriticalwhore - 07/12/2012 17:06 - United States

Today, my mom bitched me out and threatened to send me to a Bible camp, after catching me admiring a photo of a bikini model, which is apparently "immoral behavior." This is the same woman who cheated on my dad twice, justifying it by claiming the Devil tempted her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 599
You deserved it 2 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hypocrites at their finest. Anything is okay for them to do with their religion as their excuse but as soon as someone else does it they're immoral, hellbound people.

I hear there are lots of naughty, naughty girls at bible camp.


Bet ya can't wait to get outta that 'hell hole' lol.

AZCardsfan254 3

This is why religion must die. Seriously.

missdecemburr 3

Hey I worked at a christian camp and trust me... Us staff are not little angels.. We were "naughty"

KiddNYC1O 20

Something tells me you're too experienced for your age!

See this is why religious people are annoying as hell. They think "god" told them something or the "devil" made them do something...... Bitch you need to shut the hell up and cough up to your mistakes instead of making all these damn excuses. Just because you say you're some religion doesn't give you the right to use it as an excuse. Your actions are what they look at not you making excuses.

The only thing wrong with Christianity is christians.

adam0241 4

Church/Bible camp is one of the coolest things out there. Don't knock it until you try it :D

"Mom, it's time you accept that I love Santa!"